Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Sounds like influenza is upon us once again.  At least the television is already making it sound like it's already begun.   I don't know how you feel about flu shots but to this point we have never taken a flu shot.  We recommend a diet full of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and plenty of fresh water.  There are certainly plenty of good quality food (vitamin) supplements available when there is not enough quality raw foods available.  Spend some time learning about which foods are loaded with nutrition and stay away from sugars, which suppress the immune system.
We recommend keeping a few bottles of Original Sambucol  on hand, especially through the flu season.  It is made from black elderberries and appear to support and enhance the immune system.  It comes as good tasting syrup and taken when you feel something coming on, will reduce the severity and length of illness.
( There are other brands of black elderberry syrups available but not necessarily the same)You can certainly take a little everyday to stay ahead of whatever might catch up with you. It is available at most health food stores and on line.  I buy mine from Lucky Vitamin.com .  They have several different choices so shop a bit.

For quality food supplements: http://www.mvpontheweb.com/531170    
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