Thursday, January 23, 2014


New information about the quality of our grocery market food is more available as folks like us are becoming more concerned about what we are eating.  GMO  (Genetically Modified Organisms) foods seem to be a lot in the news recently so to learn more I have included several links that can update you better than I.
Non GMO   
Mother Earth News Genetically-Modified-Foods-
Non-GMO Shopping Guide
Food Revolution Network

The label at the right is considered to be the best guarantee of NON-GMO foods although the FDA Organic label supposedly guarantees 90% GMO free ingredients.

Another concern is the treatment of our food in the field and after it is harvested.  The following is an article from a Mother Earth Living blog concerning a study done on sprays found on produce in the supermarket.  I suspect if there are sprays on fresh foods, there are probably sprays in processed foods as well.

I recently wrote all three of our Arkansas congressman asking for their support of Non-GMO labeling and controlling of GMO products in foods.  It was fairly obvious from their return comments that they had been brainwashed to believe that GMO foods are safe and more important to our ability to grow more food than food safety.  I encourage each of you to reach out to your elected officials and ask for their support in providing proper food labeling.

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